Please read the following Investor Education Materials carefully to ensure you understand the investment process and risks of investing in projects on WeVidIt's Investment Marketplace.


How does the investment process work?

How are investments on WeVidIt different than the stock market?

How is WeVidIt regulated?

How is WeVidIt legal?

Who are WeVidIt’s partners?


What is an issuer?

How do creators upload a project?

<aside> 💡 Click the (+) icon, and begin by choosing a 60 second or less video. This could be a preview, traditional pitch, trailer, or teaser video for your original film/TV show idea. This can be for a film/TV show you’ve already created or one you want to create in the future.

Upload Pitch.png


How long do issuers have to reach their investment goal?

Where do creators manage their projects?

<aside> 💡 Click the (portfolio) icon. This is your portfolio, where you can view the status of projects you’ve invested in, created, collaborated on, or saved. You can track the progress of your investments, and if you are a WeVidIt Pro subscriber, you can also view important statistics about audience ratings and feedback of your project.

My Protfolio.png


How do issuers withdraw their investments?